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Friends of TGMS (our PTA)



Who we are and what we do:


All parents at Tylers Green Middle School are members of the Friends of Tylers Green Middle School association, which is a registered charity (no. 1066968). 


The Friends of TGMS committee is made up of parents from all years of the school who wish to volunteer as a member. We have a certain number of positions on the committee, but there are also many parents who offer their skills and organisational help without committing to a specific committee role.


Thanks to the participation of the many parents who help us with organisation we are able to offer many events throughout the school year both for pupils and parents. These events are well-attended and greatly enjoyed, and at the same time help raise funds for Tylers Green Middle School.


Some of the events that we run with success are:


·         Discos for the whole school and our Year 6 Leavers

·         Summer fayres and Christmas bazaars

·         Hot dog days for the children at the end of each half term

·         Hand-crafted Christmas cards

·         Family pantomime trips

·         Bag2School collections

·         Refreshments for School Productions

·         Cake Sales (always a favourite!)


All money raised is used to support the school, funding items which are needed to enhance the school and benefit as many pupils as possible. 


In the last academic year, the funds which we have raised have provided:


·         New tablets and covers for each class

·         Inventry sign-in system for the school foyer 

·         Online Parents' Evening booking system

·         New school netball kit

·         Year 6 Leavers' books

·         Oliver Twist pantomime in school

·         Improvements to the Block, including a new interactive screen



All parents are welcome to attend meetings, as wider support is much needed with certain events. Please remember the events are only a success if well supported by both helpers and those taking part, so we encourage you to come along to support us during the year.


More details of the Friends Committee, and the contact details for the Chair, can be obtained from the School Office.
