At Tylers Green, we aim to give our children a maths curriculum that enables them to become confident, creative and independent mathematicians, who can communicate their ideas to other people.
The mathematics taught in our school is based on the White Rose Maths Hub and pupils receive a one-hour maths lesson every day. There are three maths groups in each year, which allows all children to learn in a slightly smaller group than their normal class size. Two of these groups are parallel, with a range of abilities and learning styles. One group in each year is a smaller, supported group, thus ensuring that each child’s differing needs are met.
The study of maths enables our pupils not only to become fluent in their numeracy skills but also to reason and provide explanations for mathematical concepts. Children are encouraged to explain their understanding and use their reasoning skills to solve mathematical problems. Some of these mathematical skills may be also taught through the medium of a different subject whilst the creativity and logical thinking developed by solving mathematical problems can enhance the study of other curriculum areas.
We aim to promote pupils’ enjoyment and enthusiasm for the subject through practical activity, exploration, inquiry and discussion, as well as providing opportunities to practise and consolidate basic concepts. We follow the White Rose scheme, as well as using a variety of published materials and practical resources (such as Maths No Problem, Classroom Secrets, MyMaths and TimesTable Rockstars), together with computer-based applications and software which can be used with classroom interactive whiteboards or in the Computing suite.
To assess impact, we use a range of formative assessment strategies. Teachers use their judgement to assess children at one of the following standards:
- Working below the national standard (Emerging)
- Working towards the national standard (Developing)
- Working at the national standard (Secure)
- Working above the national standard (Above)
This is done on an ongoing basis.
At the end of every long term, the children sit formal assessments: Years 3-5 complete NFER tests and Year 6 completes practice SATs papers.
This data is used to inform the next steps for the children and the implementation of Maths across the school as a whole.