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Pupil spaces available for September 2024!

We have the rare opportunity to be able to offer spaces to pupils in September 2024, these spaces are in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6. If you are interested and would like further information please contact our School Office before the end of term, or to submit an application please see the links on this page to the Buckinghamshire Council website. 

New Year 3 pupils September 2023

In Year Admissions

For information regarding admissions to Tylers Green Middle School, please use the links below to the Buckinghamshire Council website. 


Contact form                                                                                                                               



If you are looking for a school place for your child during the current academic year you may contact our School Office by email - Places may become available throughout the year and we are always happy to discuss this with prospective parents. Furthermore, the Headteacher, Mr Isaacs, is available to speak to parents and answer any queries.


The application process and any waiting list for places is all however handled through Buckinghamshire Council.

Information for Ukrainian Families


Please click here: Recently arrived from Ukraine and looking for a school place?



Buckinghamshire Council- Contact the Ukraine Support team

Although sponsors and guests should have the contact details for their Sponsor Liaison Officer, you can also contact our Ukraine Support team.

Contact the team on:
