Data Protection
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Overview
At Tylers Green Middle School, we aim to provide a positive, aspirational learning environment to support all our students in improving their life chances. To achieve this, we need to work in partnership with parents, students, governors, the Local Authority and carefully selected outside agencies.
We are the Data Controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the personal data we hold is used to support teaching and learning, monitor and report on your child’s progress, provide appropriate pastoral care and assess how well your child is doing. Due to GDPR regulations with effect from May 2018, schools must now provide parents with an opportunity to opt in or out of any data sharing. We will not give information about you to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it. However, we are required by law to pass some of your information to the Local Authority (LA) and the Department for Child, School and Families (DCSF).
We collect emergency contact information including names, addresses, mobile numbers and email addresses from you. In order to be more environmentally friendly, we communicate school information via email.
We collect ethnic information, special education needs and languages spoken for use in the School Census and Local Authority data captures. We collect medical information and food allergy information in order to provide appropriate care within the school.We periodically collect Target and Assessment data in order to assess progress and identify additional areas of development that may be needed.
How is data collected?
We ask for Data Sheets and Consent Forms to be completed by parents. We can also receive electronic data transfers from previous or primary schools via the DfE’s Secure Access site providing previous attendance history and KS2/Target data, etc.
How will the information be used?
We take your privacy seriously and data is only used in conjunction with providing the best possible care and education for your child. It is used to assess learning, to set up user accounts to assist with personalised learning, to facilitate home-school communication and emergency information so we can contact parents.
Who will it be shared with?
Any third party that we share your data with has been rigorously checked by following our Due Diligence process.
We thank you for your continued support and are happy to answer any further questions you may have. All documents are available for viewing on the school website and we encourage you to check regularly for updated documentation.