Year 6
Year 6 Autumn Term Updates!
Living Rainforest
To link with our Geography topic, we had a year group trip to the Living Rainforest. We explored the glass houses, on the lookout for incredible plants and creatures that we had started to learn about. We saw some incredible reptiles and birds and eagerly sought out the elusive sloth, who was hiding up in the canopy when we visited. Particular highlights were the blue poison dart frogs and the fascinating armadillo! We were able to identify how plants were adapted to their environment, from having vast surface areas, to cleverly designed ‘drip tips’ to ensure water flows smoothly off their surfaces. Everyone had a wonderful day and it is amazing to experience ‘Amazon-like’ conditions without leaving England!
Brazilian Dance Workshop
We discovered that we have some wonderful dancers in year 6! Our Brazilian Dance workshop gave our children the chance to celebrate a different culture. We learned all about carnival and samba rhythms, creating our own choreography as well as learning some traditional movement.
Christmas Fun!
The Year 6 Christmas party was a great way to end 2024. The snowman game was an opportunity for groups of friends to create a human snowman using toilet roles, sellotape and a few scraps of paper. As you can see- the children were very creative. We also played word games, a balloon relay and even enjoyed a game of sleeping lions (much to the teachers’ delight!).
We have already covered a range of topics in science, most recently putting our electrical knowledge to practical use. We designed electronic games that used our knowledge of circuit building. By answering the questions correctly, the players can complete the circuit to successfully light the bulb.