Contact Details
Tylers Green Middle School
Cock Lane
Tylers Green
High Wycombe
HP10 8DS
Telephone: 01494 812465
Please contact the School Office for further information:
Ms Bowler (Monday - Friday)
Mrs Johnson (Monday, Wednesday - Friday)
For safeguarding matters, please see the Child Protection Policy for specific contact details.
Any enquiries about SEND should also be directed through the office, for the attention of Mrs Campbell.
Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request by contacting the school office.
We kindly ask that when you are driving to school you do not park on the school site. The neighbouring roads, both at the front and back of the school, can become very busy and it is advised that you park some distance from the school in order to reduce the traffic around the school gates, walking the final part of your journey through pedestrian entrances.
If you need to park your car close to the school, there is also a small car park opposite the school that can be used. Be aware that our car park is closed to parents at drop off (8.25-8.50 am) and pick up (3.20-3.30 pm). Please respect our neighbours and park your car courteously; for more information, please see our School Travel Plan.
Contact Form
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