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Headteacher's Welcome


Delivering an unmissable education at the heart of the community: we support every child to obtain the skills, knowledge and mindset to become autonomous learners, equipped with self-belief and resilience for their future.


The warmest of welcome to Tylers Green Middle School.



My name is Sam Isaacs, TGMS Headteacher and your education partner for the next four, fantastic years. I am beyond proud to be entrusted with leading such a school, a true beacon of inspiration and excellence. TGMS is a place where dreams are nurtured, talents are discovered, and futures are built. TGMS, in a word, is unmissable, and we look forward to demonstrating this to you in the months and years ahead.


TGMS Open Events Presentation 2024-25

TGMS Welcome Presentation 2024-25


Over many years, TGMS has earned a reputation as an inspiring place to learn; an organisation that fosters the unique talents of our pupils academically, socially, emotionally and in the arts and sports. We are highly successful in our endeavours because we have the highest expectations, consistent across the entire school, and by developing positive partnerships with our parents and enthusiastic pupils for shared goals. Importantly, my view of the school is backed up by what others say about TGMS; our pupils, our parents, our governors and the wider community.


My goal, in collaboration with all our stakeholders, is to improve the school perpetually, ensuring the best outcomes for pupils and making it a highly desirable place of work for talented and committed professionals. I strive to create a vibrant and inspiring learning community that prepares children for their future education and life in modern Britain. We believe success begins with encouragement and opportunity, high expectations, and a commitment to helping every child maximise their potential. I want your children to feel safe, challenged, and happy, as part of a unified, accessible, and caring school community. Finally, when they leave us in Year 6, the aim is for your child to have obtained the knowledge, skills and mindset to be a truly autonomous learner ready to embrace any challenge.    


Our dedicated staff and governors are passionate about providing the best educational experience for your child. We value and rely on the support of parents in achieving this goal. High academic standards and progress are the cornerstones of our success. We are extremely proud of our broad and vivid TGMS Curriculum, developed and persistently refined to ensure our pupils truly love learning, are prepared for tomorrow's world and feel safe, happy and included. Through diverse experiences inside and outside the classroom, we empower students to discover new skills, hone existing ones, and shine in various settings.


We eagerly await the opportunity to welcome your child and family to our school community. We believe that the education and development of your child flourish when founded on a happy and successful partnership. I am genuinely excited to work with you over the next four years and am committed to meeting and exceeding the ambitious expectations we set for ourselves.


Mr Sam Isaacs



Be yourself, be anything, we are the future

